Grafana Dashboard for Detector Loop
Messung des Verkehrsaufkommens durch Zählschleifen An einem Großteil der Ampeln im Stadtgebiet von Ingolstadt sind Zählschleifen in die Fahrbahn eingelassen, die darüberfahende... -
Detector Loop Map in Ingolstadt
As a contribution to the SAVeNoW research project, the city of Ingolstadt provides vehicle count loop data from the entire city area for the period 2019 to the present. Data is... -
SAVeNoW - Story Map
The storytelling map integrates various data produced in the SAVeNoW project with the aim of demonstrating different scenarios and showing different project products. In the... -
Der BayernAtlas ist eine Internetanwendung zum Betrachten amtlicher Karten und Luftbilder der Bayerischen Vermessungsverwaltung. Für Privatanwender, Fachanwender und... -
3D-Viewer Ingolstadt LoD3 Streetspace
This resource contains a web-based 3D viewer of a selection of the SAVeNoW datasets for interactively inspecting the models. The visualized models include the converted... -
Capabilities - Viewer
Überblick Der Capabilities - Viewer liefert eine leicht verständliche Anzeige der Capabilities eines bestimmten Online-Dienstes. Bei den Capabilities handelt es sich um eine... -
3D-Viewer Detailed Streetspace model OpenDRIVE
Detailed Streetspace model generated from OpenDRIVE data (textured with DOP20) Including diving lanes, crosswalks, bike lanes, sidewalks, markings, vegetation and city furniture... -
3D-Viewer Motorway Interchange in Ingolstadt
Example: Visualization of the Motorway Interchange in Ingolstadt in the viewer Each TrafficArea contains information on function, area in square meter and the IDs of the...