SAVeNoW - Story Map

The storytelling map integrates various data produced in the SAVeNoW project with the aim of demonstrating different scenarios and showing different project products.

In the Storymaping tool, it is possible to see a number of different applications, used data (pointcloud, OpenDrive Models, High-resolution models in FBX format), simulations (Raw data acquisition for traffic simulation, SUMO traffic simulation, A2D2 test drive in the LOD3 area) and video demonstrations from different project partners.

B3 Figure 1: View of the storymaping tool in which the combinations of different data types are displayed

B3 Figure 2: Map view in which an object has been selected and the saved metadata are displayed

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
  • Author: Marija Knezevic Author Email: marija.knezevicfoo(at)
  • Maintainer: virtualcitysystems GmbH Role: Experte
Sprache Deutsch
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Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


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