Traffic Monitoring - Trajectory Extraction from Traffic Camera

The repository includes the Code for thr Master Thesis Project about Trajectory Extraction from a Traffic Camera at an existing traffic intersection in Ingolstadt.


The main project part is in this folder which contains a python script for training, evaluating and running a neuronal network, a tracking algorithm and extraction the trajectories to a csv file.

The project is separated in different parts, at first a toolkit for capturing the live RTSP videostream from the camera. see here


This software was developed by Julian Strosahl e:fs TechHub GmbH within the scope of the research project SAVeNoW

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Feld Wert
  • Author: Marija Knezevic Author Email: marija.knezevicfoo(at)
  • Maintainer: Jörg Sichermann Maintainer Email: joerg.sichermannfoo(at) Phone number: +49 (0) 8458 39730 3088 Role: Experte
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