rtron [Entwurf]

a road space model transformer library for OpenDRIVE, CityGML and beyond


r:trån reads road network models in OpenDRIVE and transforms them to the virtual 3D city model standard CityGML.

This enables you to: - inspect your spatio-semantic road space models - conduct further model transformations with tools like FME - perform geospatial analyses on the 3D City Database - deploy virtual globes - load your models into a desktop GIS - compare and validate your models with models from other data sources

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
  • Author: Marija Knezevic Author Email: marija.knezevicfoo(at)tum.de
  • Maintainer: Benedikt Schwab Maintainer Email: benedikt.schwabfoo(at)tum.de Role: Experte
Sprache Deutsch
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Ende des Gültigkeitszeitraumes
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