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Auf 18. Juli 2023 um 13:39:47 UTC, Gravatar Marija Knezevic:
  • Beschreibung von A2D2 ROS Preparer wurde von

    A2D2 ROS Preparer converts the Audi Autonomous Driving Dataset (A2D2) to a rosbag enabling the usage of ROS tools on this dataset. The sensor setup of A2D2 includes five LiDARs, six cameras and bus signals. License: Apache-2.0 license
    A2D2 ROS Preparer converts the [Audi Autonomous Driving Dataset (A2D2)](https://www.a2d2.audi/a2d2/en.html) to a rosbag enabling the usage of ROS tools on this dataset. The [sensor setup](https://www.a2d2.audi/a2d2/en/sensor-setup.html) of A2D2 includes five LiDARs, six cameras and bus signals. ![Video](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/aa6ac915518843ab8d9ca4870e6aa56a62f0b98e32651368ef1f3fb31cddc7bb/68747470733a2f2f6a2e676966732e636f6d2f506a4d4b6b772e676966) License: Apache-2.0 license