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Auf 4. Dezember 2023 um 16:34:40 UTC, Gravatar Marija Knezevic:
  • Beschreibung von Detector Loop Map in Ingolstadt wurde von

    As a contribution to the [SAVeNoW](https://savenow.de/de/) research project, the city of Ingolstadt provides vehicle count loop data from the entire city area for the period 2019 to the present. Data is available in 15-minute time steps for more than 700 counting loops. For the efficient management and interactive visualization of the data for the project partners, the [Chair of Geoinformatics (TUM)](https://www.asg.ed.tum.de/gis/startseite/) in cooperation with [e:fs](https://www.efs-techhub.com/) has put together an open source IoT application stack. The stack is hosted in a [Kubernetes](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#kubernetes) cluster based on [Microsoft Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/de-de/) cloud services. It consists of several [IoT services](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#iot-dienste) for providing [standardized API](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#frost-server) access to the data, an [overview map](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#zahlschleifenkarte) for the location of detectors, as well as [data visualization](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#grafana) and [data integration](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#node-red) tools. Over 700 traffic detectors in the form of induction loops are installed in the city of Ingolstadt, which transmit the number of passing vehicles every 15 minutes. The data has been available since 2009 and is updated daily. All loop detectors are located on the map. Clicking on a marker opens a popup with the traffic volume in real time. <img src="https://savenow.github.io/sta-docs/_images/overview_map.jpg" alt="B3" width="700px">
    As a contribution to the [SAVeNoW](https://savenow.de/de/) research project, the city of Ingolstadt provides vehicle count loop data from the entire city area for the period 2019 to the present. Data is available in 15-minute time steps for more than 700 counting loops. For the efficient management and interactive visualization of the data for the project partners, the [Chair of Geoinformatics (TUM)](https://www.asg.ed.tum.de/gis/startseite/) in cooperation with [e:fs](https://www.efs-techhub.com/) has put together an open source IoT application stack. The stack is hosted in a [Kubernetes](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#kubernetes) cluster based on [Microsoft Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/de-de/) cloud services. It consists of several [IoT services](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#iot-dienste) for providing [standardized API](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#frost-server) access to the data, an [overview map](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#zahlschleifenkarte) for the location of detectors, as well as [data visualization](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#grafana) and [data integration](https://sta.savenow.de/services.html#node-red) tools. Over 700 traffic detectors in the form of induction loops are installed in the city of Ingolstadt, which transmit the number of passing vehicles every 15 minutes. The data has been available since 2009 and is updated daily. All loop detectors are located on the map. Clicking on a marker opens a popup with the traffic volume in real time. <img src="https://savenow.github.io/sta-docs/_images/overview_map.jpg" alt="B3" width="700px">