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Auf 31. Oktober 2023 um 12:25:05 UTC, Gravatar Marija Knezevic:
  • Beschreibung von SDDI CKAN Docker wurde von

    Smart District Data Infrastructure (SDDI) enabled Docker images for CKAN. The repository provides (CKAN)[https://github.com/ckan] Docker images for the (sddi-ckan-k8s)[https://github.com/tum-gis/sddi-ckan-k8s] Helm chart. The images contain CKAN itself compiled with a set of CKAN extension to add functionality required for the SDDI concept and beyond that. All images are available form ghcr.io/tum-gis Github container registry. See packages for all image flavors and tags.
    Smart District Data Infrastructure (SDDI) enabled Docker images for CKAN. The repository provides [CKAN](https://github.com/ckan) Docker images for the [sddi-ckan-k8s](https://github.com/tum-gis/sddi-ckan-k8s) Helm chart. The images contain CKAN itself compiled with a set of CKAN extension to add functionality required for the SDDI concept and beyond that. All images are available form ghcr.io/tum-gis Github container registry. See packages for all image flavors and tags.