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Auf 31. Oktober 2023 um 12:21:45 UTC, Gravatar Marija Knezevic:
  • Beschreibung von SDDI CKAN Docker wurde von

    Smart District Data Infrastructure (SDDI) enabled Docker images for CKAN This repository provides CKAN Docker images for the sddi-ckan-k8s Helm chart. The images contain CKAN itself compiled with a set of CKAN extension to add functionality required for the SDDI concept and beyond that. All images are available form ghcr.io/tum-gis Github container registry. See packages for all image flavors and tags.
    Smart District Data Infrastructure (SDDI) enabled Docker images for CKAN. This repository provides CKAN Docker images for the sddi-ckan-k8s Helm chart. The images contain CKAN itself compiled with a set of CKAN extension to add functionality required for the SDDI concept and beyond that. All images are available form ghcr.io/tum-gis Github container registry. See packages for all image flavors and tags.

  • Die Lizenz von SDDI CKAN Docker wurde geändert zu Other (Open) (war vorher Andere (Offen))