Traffic simulation of Ingolstadt in SUMO

This simulation was developed to create a realistic multimodal environment for traffic research. It is created in the SAVe:, SAVeNoW and KIVI research projects.

The 24h simulation currently contains routes for passenger vehicles, heavy-vehicle traffic as well as bicycles. Both vehicle demand as well as traffic light settings are created from data for Wednesday the 16.09.2020 to create a weekday traffic situation mostly uninfluenced by covid-restrictions. However, it is possible to create a 24-hour calibration for each day since August 2019.

The Multimodal simulation contains also Trips of PT-Vehicles created from GTFS Data provided by the local transport authority. For the GTFS-Format see: General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) - Wikipedia

The simulation serves as the digital twin of traffic in Ingolstadt. It is used for the scenario analysis and the virtual test field.

The simulation might be used for various simulative studies. It could serve as a test bed for autonomous driving functions as well as a simulative environment for the exploration of mobility services.

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  • Author: Joel Brodersen Author Email: joel.brodersenfoo(at)
Sprache English
Start des Gültigkeitszeitraumes 2023-04-14
Ende des Gültigkeitszeitraumes
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