SDDI Glossary

SDDI is a framework for use-case-driven data management and data integration in Smart Cities. SDDI is based on a distributed infrastructure, where components communicate through open international or national standards. The framework covers technical, organizational, legal, and procedural aspects.

The SDDI Catalog is at the core of SDDI, connecting all other components of SDDI together. It serves as a central repository for all existing information resources, such as data, services, and applications, providing a comprehensive overview. It is a core component of SDDI that is used across use cases and is already utilized in the process of SDDI implementation.

This catalog entry contains a link to the Glossary where all essential terms related to (SDDI)[] are explained.

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  • Author: Marija Knezevic Author Email: marija.knezevicfoo(at)
Sprache Deutsch
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