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Auf 6. November 2023 um 07:34:29 UTC, Gravatar Benedikt Schwab:
  • Beschreibung von 3D-Viewer Ingolstadt LoD3 Streetspace wurde von

    This resource contains a web-based 3D viewer of a selection of the SAVeNoW datasets for interactively inspecting the models. The visualized models include the converted OpenDRIVE datasets of the project partner [3D Mapping Solutions](https://catalog.savenow.de/organization/3d-mapping-solutions-gmbh) and the [LOD3 building models](https://github.com/savenow/lod3-road-space-models). <img src="https://collab.dvb.bayern/download/attachments/64282283/lod3demo.PNG?version=1&modificationDate=1617186839607&api=v2" alt="B3" width="800px"> </div> Example_1: Visualization of the LoD3 Streetspace in the viewer
    This resource contains a web-based 3D viewer of a selection of the SAVeNoW datasets for interactively inspecting the models. The visualized models include the converted OpenDRIVE datasets of the project partner [3D Mapping Solutions](https://catalog.savenow.de/organization/3d-mapping-solutions-gmbh) and the [LOD3 building models](https://github.com/savenow/lod3-road-space-models). <img src="https://collab.dvb.bayern/download/attachments/64282283/lod3demo.PNG?version=1&modificationDate=1617186839607&api=v2" alt="B3" width="800px"> </div> Example: Visualization of the LoD3 Streetspace in the viewer