LoD3 Road Space Models

This CityGML dataset contains road space models (over 50 building models) in the area of Ingolstadt. To ensure the highest accuracy geometrically as well as semantically, the dataset was manually modeled based on the mobile laser scannings (MLS) provided by the company 3D Mapping Solutions GmbH (relative accuracy in the range of 1-3cm). Moreover, a complementary OpenDRIVE dataset is available, which includes the road network, traffic lights, fences, vegetation and so on:

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
  • Author: Benedikt Schwab Author Email: benedikt.schwabfoo(at)tum.de
  • Maintainer: Benedikt Schwab Maintainer Email: benedikt.schwabfoo(at)tum.de
Language English
Version 0.8.1
Start des Gültigkeitszeitraumes
Ende des Gültigkeitszeitraumes
Spatial extent

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


Benutzerdefiniertes Feld