4 datasets found

Groups: Online-Anwendung Licenses: Other (Open)

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  • Grafana Dashboard for Detector Loop

    Messung des Verkehrsaufkommens durch Zählschleifen An einem Großteil der Ampeln im Stadtgebiet von Ingolstadt sind Zählschleifen in die Fahrbahn eingelassen, die darüberfahende...
  • 3D-Viewer Ingolstadt LoD3 Streetspace

    This resource contains a web-based 3D viewer of a selection of the SAVeNoW datasets for interactively inspecting the models. The visualized models include the converted...
  • 3D-Viewer Detailed Streetspace model OpenDRIVE

    Detailed Streetspace model generated from OpenDRIVE data (textured with DOP20) Including diving lanes, crosswalks, bike lanes, sidewalks, markings, vegetation and city furniture...
  • 3D-Viewer Motorway Interchange in Ingolstadt

    Example: Visualization of the Motorway Interchange in Ingolstadt in the viewer Each TrafficArea contains information on function, area in square meter and the IDs of the...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).